Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankful Day 28

DAY 28 I'm thankful that others are gracious and thoughtful. Although this doesn't include everyone I come into contact with but I have been trying to pay more attention lately to those who are kind and willing to help others as often as they can. I know so many people, in my social circles, at work, my family, etc. that always go the extra mile for people. These are people who would drop what they are doing to help someone else or who would add extra to their already full plate to lend a hand. I think that so often we (myself included) focus so much on the negative attitudes of others that we forget to focus on the good that goes on around us. I am thankful for those who are emerged in my life and that show love each day just as I am thankful to those who brush my life so quickly that they only leave a short feeling of thankfulness and gratitude. So today I am thankful for the gift of others who are willing to help without complaints and thoughtful beyond measure! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thankful Day 27

DAY 27 I'm thankful that there are white chocolate covered Oreos at the holiday time! While part of me wishes they were available throughout the entire year, the other part of me is thankful they are not because I would blow up like a balloon from eating them so often. They are seriously the best thing I have ever eaten. To say I am obsessed might be understatement. Two weeks ago after a hard day I came home to hubs surprising me with our first box of the season! He went into the store for flowers and instead came out with these (and while I am a flower-loving girl this gift was even more appreciated!). They are heaven in your mouth and if you haven't tried must do it. as soon as possible. today. My mouth is already watering thinking about eating one when I get home later. Do I have a problem? Maybe. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful Days 21 & 22

DAY 21 I'm thankful for a giving husband! Yesterday was my birthday and Coy did a great job of making me feel special throughout the day. From the moment I woke up, to sweet text messages throughout the day wishing me a good birthday, to a perfect dinner at Maggiano's, and finally to my gifts...he was and is the best! I'm also thankful for friends and family who showered with my love through phone calls, text messages, cards, and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram greetings! It was a good day and I look forward to see where year 29 is going to take me!

I decided to work ahead and go ahead and complete for Thanksgiving Day...because as everyone knows...I will be too busy stuffing my face and being with family to get on here! 

DAY 22 I'm thankful that this Thanksgiving will be warm! The forecast for Thanksgiving Day is currently looking to be in the 60's...which is music to my ears. Especially because my family and I are walking running a 5k. Every time I participate in a 5k I hate my life afterwards...but they are also always a good time! (However, I'm not sure who came up with the idea that it is smart to pay money to run - in light of the fact I hate running!) So, I am thankful that I have the ability to use my legs and that I won't be shivering as I do it! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful Day 20 (and my birthday)

DAY 20, I'm thankful that I was given the gift of an amazing honeymoon. I have been so thankful lately for my life, for my friends, my family...and especially my husband! I am not only thankful for his amazing-ness but also the great memories we have together! I am also thankful for our mutual love for the beach! It certainly made choosing our honeymoon spot that much easier! We knew all along we wanted to go somewhere tropical, we just weren't sure where. Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and the Virgin Islands were all on our radar...however, one fluke evening while researching a trip to Aruba just kind of fell into our laps! We were blessed to be able to take a 10 day honeymoon, which was such a great decision. It was an amazing week of beautiful scenery, beautiful beaches, amazing food, and many adventures! We will both forever look back to our honeymoon and be so grateful that we choose the place that we did! 

 The view from our resort!
 We rented a jeep one day and drove around the island! 
 It was an adventure getting down to this location - but was well worth it in the end!
 Going to this restaurant (The Flying Fishbone)was by far the best
choice we made all week! It was delicious AND as an added bonus we got to sit and eat
dinner with our feet, and table, in the water while we watched the sun set!
 If you ever go to Aruba this is MUST!
 We watched the sunset everynight!
 We went on a snorkeling excursion complete with lunch and a rope swing into the ocean. 
There was an awesome little area across from our resort where we ate, got dessert, shopped, etc! So much fun! 

My best advice I can give to anyone getting married is to go all out for your honeymoon! It is the one time you can spend all that money and not feel guilty about it! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful Day 19

DAY 19 I'm thankful that today is almost over : )
I had an amazing weekend, followed by a great night at home catching up with my hubs after being apart...only to be followed by a C-R-A-Z-Y Monday. 
Monday's are always a little hectic around here but today was especially stressful. Reports being late, people calling in sick left and right, eviction notices for clients, the list goes on and on. The good news about today however was that they we had employee appreciate luncheon today at work which consisted of an amazing spread of pre-Thanksgiving festive food! It was beyond delicious. 
That being said...that has been the only highlight and calm moments of my day. 
So ready for the Thanksgiving holiday and all of the holiday goodness that will be over the next month!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankful Days 16-18

Since I am going to be out of town this weekend I thought I would post a little ahead of schedule, knowing full well that the changes of blogging while I am aware are below slim to none.

DAY 16 I'm thankful for weekends away and a husband that allows me to have girl time! This weekend I am headed down to Nashville to spend time with one of my best friends and meet her new, precious baby girl and I couldn't be more excited! I don't care who you are or what kind of amazing relationship you have with your husband...girl friends and time with girl friends is essential. I always hate being away from Coy, but am so thankful that he allows me to spend time with friends on a regular basis. He encourages me to go on girls trips, girls weekends, girls nights out, etc. etc. I can't imagine feeling guilty every time I step out the door to spend time with my friends...luckily I don't have to imagine it because my hubs is so generous and also values his time with friends and his time alone at home. Luckily I also have great friends that I love to spend weekends with, friends that when we are together it feels like we haven't spent any time a part. I am blessed!

DAY 17 I'm thankful for the nights that Coy and I spend at home, in our sweat pants, with a fire lit! This past week we actually had our first fire in our new house! When looking for a house one of hubs top amenities was a wood-burning fireplace. We had one in our previous home and took full advantage of it! Some people might think they are too much work (and I would think this too if I was the one building and maintaining them - but fortunately I am not) but hubs loves building a fire! And I love that he loves to build one because then I get to enjoy these fires all winter long! There is just something so comforting about sitting in front of a lit doesn't matter what you are in front of it - watching tv, playing a game, reading, other things inappropriate to mention : ), it brings such a great sense of relaxation and peace!

DAY 18 I'm thankful that my family loves one another and considers each other our best friends. Growing up my parents always encouraged and expected quality time and communication with one another. Of course I grew up having huge-blown out fights with both of my sisters at one time or another, but we always made up and we never allowed these fights to cloud the love that we had for one another. I am thankful for a family that loves unconditionally, a family that values one another, and a family that doesn't spend time together out of obligation but truly enjoys and seeks time with each other! I am thankful that my sisters and my parents are some of the best friends I could have ever asked for!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank Day 15

DAY 15 I'm thankful that this Christmas falls on a weekday. For some reason I feel a little cheated when it is on a Saturday or Sunday. Maybe this is because it feels more official getting a day off work on the actual day. Maybe because it typically helps to extend the Christmas break. Whatever the reason, I am glad Christmas is on a Tuesday. This Christmas I am also thankful (as I have been the past 3 years) that my agency gives us over a week off for the Christmas holiday. This is a week off without using any PTO, etc. It is our Christmas gift each year, which is essentially like free money being placed in our pockets!

On a side note I am so excited that the holiday season is finally here! I can't wait to be able to pull out our Christmas trees and decorate them in our new home! I finally broke hubs down and convinced him to allow 'fake' trees in our home instead of the real-alive thing. Hallelujah! We can scratch at least one typical holiday disagreement off of our list! : )

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful Day 14

DAY 14 I'm thankful for the love of Coy.
Every idea I had of love growing up and moving through high school and college
and adventures post college was nothing compared to the love that I actually know now. The love that I 
have Coy and the love that he gives me in return is far greater than anything I could have imagined in the years before him. Love isn't perfect and we don't always love each other perfectly...but everyday, not matter what has happened throughout the day, no matter how bad or good out circumstances have been, I am always thankful that I have Coy's love. And I'm thankful that he has mine. 
So today I am not only thankful for Coy but I am especially thankful for 
the love that we share with one another. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful Day 13

DAY 13 I'm thankful for my nieces and nephews. They truly do light up my world. One of the greatest things in life is being an aunt. It's all of the smiling and laughs without all of the discipline and worry. I have watched these precious things grow up from 10 years old now and the youngest just a few weeks old and I have loved every second of it! I'm not just saying this because you might think I'm biased, but the reality is that I have the best nieces and nephews in the history of life! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful Day 12

DAY 12 I'm thankful that I know the value of honesty. Even growing up I was never one to lie to my parents. Sure, there were many times that I would omit things and maybe stretch the truth a little ("What time did you get home last night?" "Uh 2 o'clock  midnight.") But I honestly say that I only blatantly lied to my parents once...and an hour went back and confessed so I'm not even sure that counts. I carry this high esteem for honesty with me in all areas of life, whether it's work. home, friendships, etc. Honesty is always the best policy. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankful Day 11

DAY 11, I'm thankful for my dogs. Some might even say I am obsessed with them. But the reality is...I am and I am okay with it. I love these little dogs. I am thankful for their loyal companionship and their company. Murphy and Sophie love being with me, even in my worst moods, even when I have been mean to Coy, even when I am mad at them, and even when other people don't want to be around me. They are faithful and I love them both!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankful Day 10 (and new home rennovations!)

DAY 10 I'm thankful for being a homeowner! Hubs and I worked so hard and so long to become home owners. We waivered back and forth on what part of town we wanted to live in, what type of house we wanted, we waivered on building versus buying (and even actually signed a contract to build - which we later pulled out of), the list goes on and on. However, in the end all of the waiting and hard decisions finally paid off! We spent months looking at houses on the internet, driving by them, and even saw a few. However, on our first day out with our amazing realtor (seriously...if you are ever looking to buy or sell you need to use her!!) we found the one! It was the last house that we went to see for the day and it was one we were not even sold on but Jan (the amazing realtor mentioned above) suggested to just see and give it a try so we did. We left both thinking 'yeah, we would probably make an offer on that house.' Come to find out the house already had a pending offer but the sellers were not entirely certain they wanted to accept because it was a contigent offer. The house had multiple showings scheduled the next day and there was a bit of urgency in needing to get our offer. Long story short, we made an offer Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening around 8 we heard back that the sellers had decided to drop the previous offer (which ended up being much stronger than ours) and counter our offer. We countered back around 8:30 and at 9:15 received a call that they had accepted our offer. It was such a crazy, fast experience and one that only God could have orchaestrated. My prayer through the whole process was clarity from God that whatever house we ended up we would know without a shadow of a doubt that it was the house God wanted it is. The amazing time with which everything happened was only God! It was so smooth from beginning to end and we so happy to finally have a place of our own!
We closed on a Friday, got posession on Monday evening and started our rennovations that night! It was a crazy busy week but work all of the work that we put into it! We painted, ripped out kitchen backsplash, had the kitchen re-drywalled, got new appliances, and updated other things in the home! It was a week of hard work but it has all paid off and we are finally settled in! Here is some of the work we have done and some other pictures just because!
 Living room before.
 Living room after - painted.
 Dining room before.
 Dining room after - painted.
 Family room before.
 Living room after - painted, replaced knobs on cabinets.
 Kitchen before.
 Kitchen after - painted, replaced dishwasher, microwave, and stove.
 Guest room one before.
 Guest room one after.
 Master bedroom before.
 Master bedroom after.
 Guest bedroom before.
 Guest bedroom after - painted.
 Guest room two after.
 Living/dining room before.
 Living/dining room after.
Our favorite part - the backyard! 

Thankful Day 9

DAY 9 I'm thankful that tomorrow is a new day. Since this is supposed to be written on Friday I will write that I am thankful tomorrow is Saturday! This translates into a day spent on the couch catching up on my tv shows from the week and a day spent reading and lounging It also means date night with the hubs...a date night where I have actually convinced him to go to a sushi restaurant. Hopefully he will find something he likes so this can become a regular activity for us!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Day 8

DAY 8, I'm thankful for learning about the value of communication. Growing up my parents always made my sisters and I tell each other we were sorry when we would get into fights. I always hated much so that I would end up being sequestered to my room for hours because I would refuse to apologize. I never fully appreciated this requirement until I got older and had to practice it as an adult, especially in my marriage. When I was little I didn't see the point of being forced to apologize even when I didn't mean it, but now I know that it was such a valuable lesson in life because it forces me as adult to complete the same task. Communication was not only taught in this manor but in all things growing up. My parents encouraged communication and modeled this in their relationship with each other and in their relationship with their children. It is because of this model growing up that I have the marriage that I do. Not saying that my marriage is perfect when it comes to communication (let's face it - I'm a girl who constantly wants hubs to read my mind and will hold my ground until he either does read my mind or I have waited long enough and break down and tell him how I am really feeling) because believe me, it isn't...but Coy and I practice open communication daily in our relationship, even with the tough stuff. I am thankful that I was taught the value of communication in relationships and in family and I hope to one day display the same model for my children. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful Day 7

DAY 7 I'm thankful that my friends are amazing! I truly feel so blessed by the friends that I have. Even though many of us live miles apart, I know I can count on each and every one of them! I have so many fond memories with my friends and look forward to the many more that we will have. I am blessed beyond measure with the friends the Lord has provided me.